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knee point (曲線)彎曲點。

knee roof

The whole tension strength of steel fiber reinforced self - stressing concrete is a combination of tension strength of matrix and the self - stress value ; the strain of knee point is defined to 500 10 ^ ( - 6 ) , and a formula for stress of knee point is suggested 鋼纖維自應力混凝土抗拉強度為混凝土基體的抗拉強度與自應力值之和;曲線下降段拐點的應變定義為500 10 ^ ( - 6 ) ,并提出拐點應力計算公式。

For the convenience of calculation , ascending branch was simplified into a direct ratio formula and descending branch was simplified into two straight lines divided by knee point 從方便計算的角度上建議上升段采用比例方程表示,下降段簡化為以拐點分界的兩部分直線。

To loosen your quadriceps , stand up , grab a foot behind your back , and pull that foot to your butt , keeping your knee pointed at the ground ( figure 6 ) 伸展肩膀的另一種方法,把手臂往后拉,拇指朝上,手掌壓在墻上或石壁上,感覺整只手及肩感受到伸展(圖四) 。

Knee point voltage 拐點電壓